The journey of adopting our son with Reactive Attachment Disorder. The trials, the tribulations, the celebrations, and the ending in disruption.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
There it was....
in a bag....
with his name on it....
Nothing like taking away the moment.....
Nothing like taking away the holiday spirit as you decorate...
than to find a stocking that you thought you had sent the social 2 yrs ago....
Only to find it 2 yrs later...
My heart truly sunk this evening as I was getting a few of the Christmas decorations out. Looking in some boxes in the basement, preparing to bring them upstairs, finding Cor's stocking.
I stood there for a second. Speechless - VERY speechless. I said "I could have sworn I sent this to him...." I said it over and over. My dh than said 'no you said you were not sending hiim anything. that it was your stuff. not his baby pictures. not his stocking. not his anything" (jerk). I reminded him that I DID SEND his stocking to him. I then realized it was a 'different' stocking. Not sure when/where it came from. However, it wasn't the one that matched the rest from Lands End stockings that we have. In the same bag was Ab's First Christmas stocking.
It just took away my gusto. I have not wanted to decorate. I've not wanted to get out the stockings because our P.E.A.C.E. stocking holder hasn't been replaced to fit a family of 4 instead of a family of 5 like we once were.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What's Your Purpose? I'm not so sure about mine?!?
It is this reason...that I blog. Because I am alone in this journey with in my own little world. Of course there are other reasons why. Hopefully, there is someone who may stumble upon this blog or my other blog and that person my relate. Maybe for a moment in their they can not feel so alone. If that is the case...than I mission is accomplished.
The reality is unless you have lived one day in the life of a parent whose child struggles with really can't understant. Sorry...but you can't. You might have tried...but you can't.
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Dear Grandma....God Be With You Till We Meet Again...
God be with you till we meet again;
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
Neath His wings protecting hide you;
Daily manna still provide you;
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
With the oil of joy anoint you;
Sacred ministries appoint you;
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
When life's perils thick confound you;
Put His arms unfailing round you;
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
Of His promises remind you;
For life's upper garner bind you;
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
Sicknesses and sorrows taking,
Never leaving or forsaking;
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
Keep love's banner floating o'er you,
Strike death's threatening wave before you;
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
Ended when for you earth's story,
Israel's chariot sweep to glory;
God be with you till we meet again.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Pointing Fingers
When Abi was born it was then blamed on me in a different aspect. Because I had this 'bio' child...I bonded with her and didn't with him. I was told by not very well meaning asshat psychiatrist that I spent to much time w/my baby and not my son. That because of this he resented me.
In the past I've let it consume me because I didn't know what else to do. I'm trying with all my might not to let this consume me. I'm trying very hard to take the high road and not let this get me down. But the reality is really hard. I'm fighting back tears. I'm fighting to keep my head above water.
I'm just so sick and tired of this. Recently I've thought about "who" I was before this experience. I don't regret for a moment having adopted Corry. I love him to death. I miss him so much. Yet, there are days, moments like this week..when the finger was pointed again at such a negative way and it is way to hard to swallow!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday, Monday...Just another Manic Monday...
First I had an 'issue' at work. Rather large issue. Well, it could have been. Thankfully, my Heavenly Father saw fit to offer me some grace today. Lots of sufficient grace!! I was very nervous about my 'detour' that I had to go through. Because...well, I was. I was afraid of screwing up. I was afraid of taking a wrong turn, getting stuck on a street with a 40,000 lb, 43 foot vehicle and be stuck.... I was so nervous that the dyslexia in me did what I was so nervous about - turned left instead of turning right....Because of where I ended up it could have been a much larger problem than it was. I called on my phone in the bus. Was told "oh'...i think you have got yourself into a pickle and may not beable to get out'. Well, I WILL get out... LOL Anyway, I was sweating it a bit. But in the end it worked out. The supervisor came and I followed him around to another street and it worked out. Put me very late. But it worked out in the end. This was just the start of my very long and trying day.
**Had a recheck for the lump in my breast. I decided to not inflict pain when there is no pain currently involved....thus I will not have it aspirated at this point. It is clearly a fluid filled cyst.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Bry Bry... (Be warned this may be long.)
When Bry was just over 2 yrs old the Family Practice Physician Assistant that I saw called me one night (from her home). A few days earlier I had seen her for some reason or another. I love Mary and miss her deeply. She was always right on the money. Why she wasn't a doctor is beyond me. I know she was pationate about her work, I know she loved her patients, I know she saw my family, the crisis that we were in at that time and acted upon it.
It wasn't a very good time in our life. Few months before both my dh and I had gastric bypass. I had several 'issues' post operative that led me to be seen in her office many times. Each time I had in tow a 2 yr old who was always crying. If there was to much noise. If there was to much 'movement and/or commotion'. The crying never ceased to stop. If it were just him and I at home - well it would stop.
Mary had tried telling me from time to time maybe we should have him evaluated. I just thought it was due to the extreme stress going on in our life at that time. This particular time when she called she says something like this...."Gala, I've been thinking a ton about you and the kids. I'm concerned for each of you. After thinking about it for a long time the last few days I decided to make a few appts for Bry and Ab...please (she must have said it 10 times) please...please...don't be mad at me. If you don't want to keep the appts. you can cancel or let me know and I will cancel them for you..." She made an appt for both of my children to see a pediatric neuro-psychologist and neurologist. Ab was having some issues in school that seemed (still does at time) that she might have had an auditor.y proccessing disorder. I keep the appts because well...there might be some hope after all right?
Well, what the neuro-psychologist said got the ball rolling. He called the Birth to Three referral line while we sat in his office. With in a few weeks we had Birth to Three coming in to evaluate. We had all kinds of different things going into place. Sensory Proccessing Disorder was most likely a definate and just observing him he could tell the tell tale signs/symptoms that he exhibited. Because of his age it made it harder. We saw the neurologist a few months later. She echoed everything the first doctor said and then some. While in her office she just sat and watched this child and shook her head. Saying "he has no sense of saftey boundry, no boundries about what is around will need to be very vigilant with him especiallyy during his younger years because he could get hurt...seriously hurt"...
Over the last few years we have implemented, tried, tested, ect ect many things that would/could help this child. We have found the thiings that work and used them . We have found what didn't work and said 'forget it'.
The one key thing that I believe strongly in is the occupational therapy. By the time Bry was just over 3 yrs old he had used ALL of the OT he could EVER use for our specific insurance. He had maxed out the 35 life time visits. We were told "that's okay...he can get OT at school".
True - he does. However, nothing like he did at the clinic he used to go to (where I also used to work until last summer).
He loves school. Does as good as he can in school. Last year at the beginning of the year we had some issues with biting. I firmly told the principle to NOT CALL me again and tell me my son had bit someone when it was clear to me his IEP was not being followed. My son had never in his life bit anyone and I found it very upsetting that he now goes to Kind. and starts biting. IT was BS in my ever so humble opinion. Interesting enough - Bry never bit anyone else again at school to this date. hahaha....
It is clear to us that school on many levels is very good for Bry. He loves children. He loves playing. He seems to love learning.
The part that is so hard is it is to much 'input' into his brain.
Last May we had to have him re-eval'd by the neuro-psychologist in order to keep his IEP services. Because S.I.D. is not a dsm true dx... he 'dx him with something else'. Was very very clear in his report to the school that this child does not, nor will he probably ever need medication. He creates enough natural stimulation on his own... His dx is "ADHD sub-type secondary to severe sensory integration dysregulartion problems". This was only because on the SID alone he would not have qualified for school services. He fits the less than 10% of popluation who has ADHD as a secondary dx because of the sensory problems. What does this mean...really....nothing. It means that I have a child who appears to the general person as being naugty, not listening, just being off the wall and crazy....
To me - it is frustrating and heart breaking all in one. There are many days I don't know what to do becaus I'm so frustrated and get so mad. Then I feel guilty because I know he can't help it. One of the things that has been and still remains a huge issue is parking lots. He bolts to the car or store w/o looking, never stops. Time after time after time we have told him, grabbed hiim by the coat, yelled, scolded, taken away no avail. Some days I 'm able to remember that htis is truly a problem and he needs lots of help and other days I just get pissed off because why did I just tell hiim to stay next to me and now he is 10 cars away running to our car int he cold, rainy dark night....
I know that these things happen a lot less when....
He has not been in school.
He has not been in a situation where his engine is already really high.
He is with just me or my dh...
and many other things.
Every day we pick up a chidl who is crying. Well, now we dont' . His babysitter does and he holds it together even while Luke is here w/them. However, as soon as we get home from work and school - he lets out and it can go on forhours. If w have to run to the store or go out to eat - most times at night it drives us very very batty because he is so off the wall, and/or crying or something.
I have thought that HS might be a good option fo rhim. I've doen research. I know there is a strong HS group in M where I live. i know that we could socialize in a good way and my kid would learn so much.
The issue is-- I work. My dh goes to college, graduates in December and most likely will go back o work. Part of me thinks that he...dh could realistically - HS Bry and it would be a great thing for both.
We ahve talked to his teachers. They all say he is doing farily well. Of course he doesn't cry at school because that is not cool....right?
This got a bit longer than planned.
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Friday, November 7, 2008
Home school
I have great admiration and respect for mother/fathers who do home school their children. I just have not felt that it was 'me'. It didn't fit my children's personality.
When Cor was with us I was thinking very strongly about it. His therapist, teacher and other people in our life told us that "even though it would be great for would NOT be great for YOU or Abi..." it was in deed our only respite that we had from him.
That being said....
I'm strongly considering the thought of home schooling my 6 yr old. I have not the slightest clue how, what, when, I would do it. I work hours that are split shift and would need to figure out the logistics of it. Heck - it probably wouldn't work at all.
What I know is....
Nearly every school day he comes home crying. This has been going on now since his first day of Kindergarten last year. We know have a babysitter that picks him up from school. L does Bry's homework w/hiim. We come home from work - we have tears. Some nights not very many tears. Other days so much so that i can't stand myself think. Bedtime there are tears. Every single day. There are days that I can't even begin to tell you how upsetting it is to me.
I woke up Tuesday morning with this feeling in my heart that it is something I need to investigate. Would homeschooling my boy help him? Would it help me?
What I know is...
When he is home alone all day w/his dad. No other stimulation. No other things going on in his life. Just quiet, calm, relaxing....
He does not cry. He tolerates so much more. He is a true delight to be around. He can go to the store w/o melting down. His speech fluency is normal.
I have no clue what to do. I don't even know where to start. I just know that we need to fix something....and...what or how to do it I have no clue!!!
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Deep Breathe In.....Deep Breathe Out...
What I will I need some good vibes, thoughts, prayers sent my way.
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Wordless Wednesday
I love you two so much!!
You both are the sunshine on my rainy days...
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
Healing Wounds
Right this very moment...I want to know that my son is doing okay. I want to know that he is progressing in school. He is growing into a young man. Prayerfully a sweet and loving young man. I want to know if he is doing okay. I want to know if he played football this fall. I want to know how tall he is.