Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ten years ago this month (few weeks shy...) we became first time parents to a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed, 4 yr old little boy.

Two years ago this month (few days/week shy) we officially went from parents of 3 children to parents of 2...

Two years ago this month (few days/week shy) we officially went from having 2 sons to having 1...

I had a very nice talk w/Cor's attachment therapist a few days ago. I had sent her an email and left a message for her in regards to a friend of mine who recently adopted a toddler. I truly

love(d) our A.T. She was/is such an awesome mentor to me. She continues to amaze me with the depth of her knowledge, love, passion and everything else. She gave me a little added strength when she didn't even know it. She g

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