Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The "First" Phone Call

As I mentioned in the previous post months went by. Grandparents never mentioned to us why or what was going on in this process. We didn't ask. We were getting our updates from our friend K. That was good enough. We made it be known that if it was in their ability, their plan to not parent C after the TPR and he was placed for adoption we would be interested.

I changed jobs in August of 1997. I had worked in retail as a manager for Sears Portrait Studio. The district manager told me that I only needed to loose weight and if I did that I would become pregnant. WRONG thing to tell me!!! I was devastated to say the least. I weathered the storm, found a new job quickly and gave my notice.

I was leaving for work or on my way to work early in September of 1997 and James called me on my cell phone. He had just received a phone call from LDS Social Services.

OMGosh - I remember that day just as much as the day Cor actually came to live with us. It was the beginning of a long year.

The phone call was to clear up a few things. It was to tell us a few things.

The social worker told James that the C's grandparents had contacted him and told them what was happening. They asked that if at all possible that C be placed with an LDS family. And at that point had requested the agency if possible to get on board. Because the TPR was a county/state issue there were not guarantees.

The social worker wanted to know if we were intersted in moving forward. If so he told us what we needed to do. He told us what the costs would be if we went threw their agency. (Considerable less than an infant adoption). Made sure that we knew there were no guarantees and there were big risks.

We told him that we were interested. We would do what it took. We would work with the agency or with the state/county. We were interested. We wanted to adopt this little boy. We had been involved in this little boy's life since he was a year old.

We loved him. We felt that our home would be the best place for him. We were told that because he knew us. Hand bonded (ha) with us and that he would do so much better with us...

So the journey began.

A very long journey.

A very heartwrenching journey.

A very journey that would break my heart over and over again.

So the journey began.

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